Friday, 16 October 2015

The Benefits of Having Darjeeling Tea- Buy Darjeeling Tea Today

Darjeeling Tea or Assam Tea is known as shepherd's tea is made from leaves of plants from the Sideritis species. This beverage is essentially herbal and is drunk by people not only because of its taste but also for its unique benefits. This tea is made from freshly harvested herbs in the Mediterranean. The leaves of this plant are available as dried form. The tea is easily available at some grocery stores and health food stores. The Darjeeling Tea is filled with natural antioxidants and other important properties that will help the body in various ways.

Flavonoids and Antioxidants

In 2011, the "Journal of Ethnopharmacology" published a study on the flavonoid content of all plants found within the Sideities genus of plants. The plants has an overall species of 150 trees, researchers found out that this particular species showed to have anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties. It was also found the leaves were rich in a number of natural oxidants like flavonoids and few essential oils. When you buy Darjeeling Tea, you ensure that these properties come on your cup of beverage.

Regulates Blood Pressure

Another publication issued in 2012 titled the "Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology" found out that the extracts made from Sideritis helps in lowering down the blood pressure by making the blood vessels to relax. This animal study measured the arterial blood pressure and revealed that a dose of Sideritis extract led to the blood vessels dilation, thus enabling the pressure levels to fall and reduce the stress on the muscle of the heart. Though the tea is perfect for dealing with blood pressure, it cannot be considered as a constant treatment for heart conditions. More research and experiments are required on this matter.

Protects The Digestive System

Again, in 2012, "Planta Medica" published an animal study on the effects of Greek Mountain tea on the gastrointestinal health and disorder of the animals. Researchers found out that taking an oral dose of this beverage led to less inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. This happened most likely because of the presence of antioxidants and phenols found naturally in a plant. The researchers also found out that this supplement led to the reduction of toxicity in the body for long term. The study proved beneficial and proved why people should buy Darjeeling Tea; however, it did not offered any result for gastrointestinal complications, as more study was needed to perform the research. Buy Tea Online from any tea brands. Many sellers also offer this tea online.

Brewing The Tea

When brewing this Darjeeling Tea, especially from fresh plants, you can use the leaves, stems of the plant. Place around six to eight inches of the tea leaves and pieces into the boiling water and then lower down the heat. Allow it to simmer for 10 minutes. For dried tea leaves, add 2 tablespoons in a teapot and let it rest for five minutes. Add flavors as you want and the tea is done.

Authors BIO: Rickey is an avid blogger, he writes various blogs on several topics. Like in this article he writes about varieties benefits of organic teas such as Darjeeling Tea, Oolong Tea etc.


Thursday, 8 October 2015

Effectiveness of Darjeeling tea and Indian Green tea

Tea can never be passé. All of us love tea; however, some prefer coffee over tea. Coffee lovers are in love with the caffeine. Caffeine gives a sudden jerk to nerve making it active. Tea on the other hand has less amount of caffeine. However, there are many side effects of caffeine as well, looking into this matter of fact; tea is much safer and healthier drink. This new generation is in love with the iced tea. Nonetheless, green tea is the new trend. Green tea is an energy booster with much lesser amount of caffeine. Turkish tea is quite popular in various parts of the world. Turkish people relish on tea. It is an obsession, an addiction, a daily routine, a conversation starter and lots more. It is cultivated domestically on the black sea coast. Darjeeling tea is Kolkata is more popular tea in the world.

Kolkata is a mesmerizing place and so are people living in this place. Kolkatans never say no to experiments and so did they welcome with open hands the green tea that has a lot of health benefits and is also very tasty. One will never have to compromise on taste while drinking Turkish tea. It is usually taken black. Green tea has a wide variety of health benefits. Well, one can contradict saying that all tea in the world has some health benefits or the other, but Turkish tea is a step ahead. Apart from the general health benefits like antioxidants, flavonoids, curing respiratory system etc. it also takes care of your teeth. Amazing Green tea has proved to be the best and most effective drink among all the tea in the world.

Another health drink that has gain popularity over time is the Indian green tea. Over decades people from all around the world have explored India. However, it was the English people who explored the hilly regions and found the importance of the green tea and began to export them to England. It is a popular drink that has over time proved to fight cancer. Today, Indian green tea is exported to places all around the world. They are best known for the ¼ percentage of caffeine than coffee. It is less acidic in nature and therefore, washed away all the acidic waste from the body. Availability of Indian green tea in Kolkata is huge and Indians have welcomed this with open hand as well. Indian green tea has the detoxifying effects that help to boost the immune system and also balances the metabolic system of the body.

You should always be careful about the drink that you intake mainly because now-a-day, where most of the people are usually falling sick for their low immune power, Indian green tea and Darjeeling tea might be of huge help. These teas are best when you take them as the afternoon and evening breaker. Choose your foods appropriate. When you can get herbal remedies for such chronic diseases then why will you take harmful medicines that have lots of side effects?

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Varities Benefits of Green Tea

No matter where Tea is from, it has some or other nutritional value for the people who take it. Have you ever thought why taking a sip of tea is so refreshing? Have you ever given it a thought what value tea has? Have you ever thought whether the tea you are consuming has any value at all? Every type of tea in this world has its own worth, but it is mainly the process of brewing that keeps or takes away the nutritional value of it. It is saying that, if you are not taking a food or drink in the way it should be taken you will not get its nutritional value. Buy Green tea to experience and get the most important and unique drink with lots of nutritional value.
Greek mountain tea, which is also known as shepherd’s tea is made from the leaves, flower, bud and stem of a plant named Sideritis. It is an herbal tree, which is found in the mountains of Greece and has proven to have many healthy benefits. It is also known as ironwart, the Greek tea has been taken for many years now. It is harvested and taken fresh in the Greece. You can buy Greek tea in grocery stores which comes in dried loose packages or in the form of teabags where the nutrition is tightly packed. There are several benefits of this Greek mountain tea some are:

  • Full of Flavonoids and Antioxidants:  A research was conducted in the year 2011, which clearly told that any plant that belongs to the Sideritis species are strongly believed to be anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and various other healthy nutrients. It is also believed to have essential oils that have proved beneficial for many diseases like respiratory problems, fever, cold, headache and stress. In a world full of stress what more can a person ask for other than a natural de-stressing therapy. It would wrong to put it as a therapy; rather it is a tasty and healthy drink that can help you fight back all the diseases.
  • Lowers Blood Pressure: Another important disease that this tea helps you to fight is the blood pressure. With all day long stress, you often have to completely depend on medicine to control your stress and blood pressure. However, as you know that all drugs come with side effects and in the process of curing one disease you often fall for some other. How about treating you naturally. This tea will help you fight blood pressure as well.
  • Protects the digestive system: Indigestion is one the most common diseases of recent times as people sit and work all day with limited body movements. Take a cup of this tea and you are all sorted for the day. Herbal treatments are time consuming and therefore, you will have to keep your patience.
  • Getting to know about the nutritional values of this tea will probably make you want to buy it. However, people living far away from Kolkata will be disheartened. You do not need to worry as you can now buy tea in Kolkata, in America or in any other parts of the world. You simple have to find a company that can deliver you Green tea. It’s high time to stop taking medicine for each and everything, try solving the problem naturally with Green tea.

    Thursday, 1 October 2015

    History Of Green Tea

    Green Tea is more or less same as the Turkish coffee. In fact Green Tea was known as Turkish coffee in Greece until Turkey invaded Cyprus in 1974. At this point of time, due to some political reasons, the Greek people planned to name it as Green Tea. However, the preparation process of both is identical.

    In order to make the thick Green Tea, you will have to roast the coffee beans and make a fine powder out of it. You can then mix the coffee, water and sugar in a special tiny aluminum or copper pot which is commonly known as briki and prepare the coffee in a low heat. It is specific of the Green Tea that you will have to add the sugar at the initial stage of brewing it. There are mainly four ways of brewing Green Tea:

    Sketos – This type of the coffee has zero added sugar and is drunk raw. While preparing this you will not have add anything before the preparation you can simple add water and coffee or milk and coffee and brew it in the low heat. Since, Green Tea is stronger than any other coffee in the world it is always better to add a little sugar otherwise that taste is absolutely bitter.
    • Meoligi – This type has very little sugar added to it, say about half a teaspoon.
    • Metrios – This type has an equal amount of coffee and sugar. So if you are brewing the coffee with 2 teaspoon of coffee then the sugar amount should also be the same.
    • Glykos – The measurement of sugar in this coffee is more than the amount of coffee used to brew the coffee.
    • Glykys – This is a specific variation in the Green Tea because this type is deliberately boiled more than once and later mixed with foam. This kills the bitter taste of the coffee and adds the soothing and smooth taste of the milk, sugar and foam to the coffee.

    Unlike other parts of the world, people in Greece prefer to drink coffee neat without adding any spices to it. Drinking coffee is Athenians' favorite pass time. Traditional Green Tea is still served in most Green Tea. Nine out of ten bars and cafes serve excellent coffee in Greece. Compromising on the taste, coffee brewing is now-a-days mainly done by the machines, but the real taste of coffee is never better than freshly baked coffee beans that have been boiled with milk, water and sugar.

    The tradition of brewing coffee in Greece was taken aback with a new form of coffee; Frappe, a chilly concoction which took Greece by storm in between late 60s and 70s. It was very easy to make Frappe; you just have to mix all the ingredients, shake it and finally serving it with ice. As Greek people love to experiment with coffee they loved the new form of icy chilled coffee that was coined against their tradition.

    It is no wonder that the Greek market has broken all possible rules to give space to the new and modernized form of coffees. If you planning to take a trip to Greece then make it a point that you do go to a Green Tea to especially taste their traditional Green Tea of Greece.

    Authors Bio: Rickey is regularly writes on Various blogs on several topics, like in this article, he tries to elaborate something about Green Tea and its varieties