All know the health benefits that are gained from drinking green tea. But one does not know that even black teas are beneficial to health. The UK Tea Council refers to Darjeeling as the "Champagne of Teas," in honour of its exquisite flavour as well as its multiple health benefits. Darjeeling tea is a black tea grown at the foot of the Himalayas, in the Darjeeling region of northern India.
Antioxidant Components: All types of tea contain antioxidants, and black teas that are allowed to ferment during processing, like Darjeeling, are especially rich in several of these components, including two large, complex compounds called theaflavins and thearubigins. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals, unstable and potentially harmful chemicals that form during digestion or in your organs when you're exposed to toxic compounds. Over time, free radicals can damage cellular membranes and DNA, raising your risk of chronic illness. A review paper published in the June 2005 issue of "Preventive Medicine" described how black tea neutralizes free radicals, calling tea a convenient source of these beneficial compounds that can be consumed daily.
Cardiovascular Benefits: Regularly consuming black tea such as Darjeeling might have benefits for your cardiovascular health. A study proved that drinking five servings of black tea daily lowered blood cholesterol significantly in subjects consuming a moderately low-fat diet, compared to non-tea drinkers on the same diet. Black tea may also benefit your arteries, according to a study. The research involved subjects with coronary artery disease who drank either black tea or water daily for four weeks. The tea-drinking group experienced widening of arteries, compared to controls, potentially increasing blood flow to their organs. The positive effect of tea on arteries might also lower the risk of cardiovascular disease over time.
Benefits for Bones: Compounds in Darjeeling tea may also help increase the density of your bones. Several studies evaluated women who drink tea regularly and found they tend to have higher bone density, compared to non-tea drinkers. Research conducted found that consuming black tea is likely to strengthen bones, but larger clinical trials are still needed to confirm this.
Darjeeling tea is generally considered safe, but no minimum effective amount that benefits your health has been determined. The tea also contains caffeine, generally about one-half the amount in a cup of coffee, or 40 to 70 milligrams in a cup serving, depending on the strength of the tea. For some people, too much caffeine can make sleeping difficult, cause feelings of nervousness or increase heart rate. Limit your intake of caffeine if you're pregnant or breast-feeding, or opt for decaffeinated versions of Darjeeling tea. Adding milk to your tea might also reduce its effectiveness of its antioxidant compounds, according to current research. If you take prescription medications or have questions about the possible benefits of tea, talk to your doctor to determine if drinking Darjeeling tea might help you.
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